LT shop parduotuvė, Verkių 29F, Vilnius
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Stitch & Walk is positioned as a premium series (leather upper and rubber outsole) for junior range from size 28-42. The design of the entire collection is closer to adult trends in colour and style. Some models are adult models alike which could be worn for adult with slimmer feet. This series can also be seen as a supplementary to the junior series of D.D.STEP.
The insoles are removable, so they can be cleaned and dried to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the footwear on the inside. The removable insoles are made of leather to ensure natural contact with the foot and enhancesthe comfort.
Premium insole gurantees the best comfort with long lasting shock absorption.
Reference: P083-42591
The approximate flash time of the LED shoe is 400K times. LED lights can be turned off.
Reference: S040-51234EL
The measurements of the shoes are indicated in the product description.
Reference: 03650BL
D.D.step batukai tai - ortopedinius reikalavimus atitinkantys atūralios odos batukai.Komfortabilūs įtvarai (batuko paaukštinimai) sumažina vaiko kojyčių nuovargį, leidžia taisyklingai jas laikyti ir lengvai judėti. Nauja siuvimo technologija, kuri neleidžia batams plyšti, taip pat skirta lengvam batų lankstumui.
Reference: S063-42369L
The measurements of the shoes are indicated in the product description.
Reference: F083-51890C
The measurements of the shoes are indicated in the product description
Reference: DA061643A
It’s DDstep Ponte20 shoes - orthopedic eligible shoes. Comfortable genuine leather insoles (shoes promotions) reduces the baby's legs tired,allows them to keep correct and easy to move.
Reference: DA03-5-1475A
The measurements of the shoes are indicated in the product description.
Reference: DA03-5-1638L
The measurements of the shoes are indicated in the product description.